About San Juan RediMix
The story for San Juan Redimix started quite a few years back. As the owner and founder of Concrete Connection, Ross recognized a need for more concrete availability in the Pagosa Springs area. While the vision was there the formalities were a lot more complicated. After a lot of negotiating and collaborating a batch plant was purchased on Piedra Road and was moved to 302 County Road 300. The endeavor took a village and the support of the town was amazing.
Ross is a Pagosa native and has lived here for over 35 years. He grew up in Pagosa as well as raised three kids here along with his wife Stacey. He began his first business in 1998 and understands the construction atmosphere in this small community. Having worked in the concrete industry for 28 years, Ross recognized a need for additional concrete availability in the community he loves. Thus, San Juan Redimix was founded, making its first delivery on May 27, 2021. The mission of San Juan Redimix, LLC is to serve Pagosa Springs and surrounding areas with quality products and exceptional customer service for many years to come.
Once the batch plant started becoming a reality Matt Lattin, also a Pagosa native, joined the team as Batch Plant operator. Matt was integral in helping with transport, purchasing, truck/loader selection and many other behind the scenes details.
Another important goal of SJRM is to provide more vocational opportunities to this area. We were funded by local banks, we employ local truck hauling companies, local truck drivers, bookkeepers and collaborate with many other businesses here in Pagosa. Keeping things local helps everyone and we have learned that first hand. We are looking forward to providing a long term quality product in the beautiful Southwest Mountains of Colorado.